Four kids is a lot to handle and do everything else I want to do! I never seem to have time to do everything, but I have been working a lot on starting a little business called
The Practice Shoppe. Who knows if it'll work out or if I'll make any money, but I'm noticing that I have a little business side to me that I never knew about.
I have had so many practicing tips and ideas that I need to get more on the ball and update this blog! Every week it seems like I have a new chart idea and it always works for a few weeks. Perhaps if I share them with you something will click and you'll find something that you love!

Some of my students are faithful at marking off their practice guide each week. Others, never look at one. I recently put a chart in the parent's hands to fill out if their child wanted to use it. My own 7yo is a half-and-half practice guide person. There are weeks when I will fill one out and use it meticulously. Other weeks I fill one out and it sits in the bag never to be seen again. Although my own daughter doesn't ALWAYS use a practice guide I still believe that it is the best way to practice most efficiently. Time is always an issue with practicing and rarely can we get everything done! But with a practice guide, we can equally practice everything each week - even if it is not daily. Of course, the new stuff is daily, but other things tend to slide when there isn't enough time.
I feel like I put the same things on my daughter's practice guide each week so I decided to make it a MONTHLY guide this month to see how it works. Check it out
here. I wrote all her books and exercises at the top, then gradually worked down everything she needed to practice including review pieces. So far the new practice guide got her attention and she wants to see how many x's she can put on the chart! This would also be a good chart for ONLY review songs. Good luck using it yourself.