I first got this idea from one of my student's moms who always comes up with great ideas to get her 5-year-old to practice. There are lots of different ways to use this chart - and not only for beginners!
You could also print off TWO copies of the bingo chart and cut one up and put in a bowl or ziplock baggy and randomly pull out the different practice points to practice. When a BINGO is made (a line completed) practicing is over. My daughter LOVES to play this way because every once in a while her practice session isn't very long (but not very often.) With this rule, I've told her that if she gets a BINGO before she practices her recital piece then we still have to practice that at the end.
Some more ideas from my student's parent:
Sometimes just for variety, I'll include variations like the following:
"Play ______ with your eyes closed"
"Play ______ with a distraction" (I got this from dog training. You pick something they should know well and have them play it while you are trying to distract them);
"Play ___ Scale to your favorite animal rhythm" (She has to figure out the rhythm of the animal name, like hip-po-pot-a-mus, then play that rhythm for each note on the scale - she LOVES this);
"Pitch Page" (sing a pitch page from the I Can Read Music book);
"Rhythm Page" (clap a rhythm page from the I Can Read Music book);
"Play a piece for your dog" (whatever dog is parked on the couch becomes the audience and she enters the stage, I pantomime opening a curtain, she gets into position, plays, bows, etc.);
"Play your favorite piece"
"Play your most challenging piece"
As a teacher I had a student's mom ask how to motivate her daughter to review Book 1 since she just wants to move on and learn Book 1. So, I used the same concept and put all the pieces in Suzuki Violin Book 1. This would be an excellent way to practice Book 1 - maybe a special practice each week devoted only to Book 1 review.
I hope you enjoy this game as much as we do!
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