At the beginning of each school year, I give a paper to my students with a student plan that asks them to list three goals they have for the year. I also ask the question, "What time will you practice this year?" I really think it is important to schedule practice time because life gets in the way and it will always be put off if it's not part of the schedule.
I've practiced with my kids at all times including 8:00 p.m. (which was terrible.) Now that I have two kids in grade school that need to practice I've told them that their practice time is in the morning before school (6:15 & 7:00.) So good!
The first day of school was great because the kids were excited about school. The second day we were all tired and it was hard. I'll admit tears were shed that morning. But after school that day the girls enjoyed reading, playing on the computer, and painting. As they were painting and laughing I mentioned how nice it was that they could enjoy their afternoon instead of being tied down to practicing. They both admitted that it was nice. Each morning has been good ever since. Work first, play later is our motto each morning.